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Bismillah ir Rehman ir Raheem
It is but a reality that the success of mankind and especially that of the Muslim ummah is completely relied and dependent solely on the practice and implementation of the blessed Shariah Mutahharah. Unless the practice and implementation of deen and Shariah aren’t withhold too, there is no question of attaining success in this worldly life nor can it be assumed to attain the success and benefits of the Hereafter. In the early days of Islam, the blessed Sahabah RZ accomplished their glorified and successful ranks solely because of their continuous hard work of practicing on this blessed deen.
Timing: Monday-Thursday, 9:00AM – 12:00AM” link=”#” link_text=”Find out more” title=”Dars e Qur’an”][no_info_card_slider_item icon_pack=”font_elegant” fe_icon=”icon_documents” link_target=”_self” title=”Daar Ul Ifta and Daar Ul Qaza ” front_side_content=”Giving written answers to the incoming questions, Arranging online fatawa” back_side_content=”Translating the fatawa to English to help the English speaking, Publishing of various worships regarding the Islamic months and also publishing of pamphlets and booklets ” link=”#” link_text=”Find out more”][no_info_card_slider_item icon_pack=”font_elegant” fe_icon=”icon_chat” link_target=”_self” title=”Makatib e Quraniyya” front_side_content=”(1) Regulating the system of the Makatib
(2) Establishing Makatib in the slum areas ” back_side_content=”Fulfilling the need of Imams and Makatib for the Masajid in the required rural areas
Structuring an effective curriculum for the Makatib.
Organizing a system of examinations for the Makatib on a month or two month interval.” link=”#” link_text=”Find out more”][no_info_card_slider_item icon_pack=”font_elegant” fe_icon=”icon_balance” link_target=”_self” title=”Abolishing the deviant and misguided sects” front_side_content=”(1) Organizing public meetings and events in the rural and urban areas for the deviant misguided sects affected areas.” back_side_content=”(2) Meeting directly with the Sunni Muslims who have joined these gumraah () sects (like the Jamaatul Muslimeen, the Munkireen e Hadis, Qadiyaniayt, the fitna of Shakeel bin Haneef, the Siddeeq Deendaar etc.) to brainwash, persuade and convince them to return back to the truth.” link=”#” link_text=”Find out more”][/no_info_card_slider]
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