Under the Guardianship of Hazrat Maulana Shah Mohammed Jamal Ur Rahman Sahab Damat Barakatuhum
Under the Management of Hazrat Mufti Shah Mohammed Naval Ur Rahman Sahab Damat Barakatuhum
It is but a reality that the success of mankind and especially that of the Muslim ummah is completely relied and dependent solely on the practice and implementation of the blessed Shariah Mutahharah. Unless the practice and implementation of deen and Shariah aren’t withhold too, there is no question of attaining success in this worldly life nor can it be assumed to attain the success and benefits of the Hereafter. In the early days of Islam, the blessed Sahabah RZ accomplished their glorified and successful ranks solely because of their continuous hard work of practicing on this blessed deen. And in the present time, what we witness today, the deteriorating and degrading condition of the Muslims is only/solely because of the fundamental and crucial fact of neglecting and being away from deen and Shariah.
Today, this level of aversion and loathing from deen among the Muslims is at its peak. Every aspect of life is succumbing to chaos and corruption, be it worldly affairs or community affairs or ethics or even worship, all have been intensely impacted with irreligiousness. And in terms of marital and family life, the Muslims have kept the laws of Shariah on the shelves. The youth and the general Muslims are unaware of the beneficial and constructive rights that the Shariah has designed for family life and for the husband and wife relationship. The correct and beneficial way to solve disputes and if at all the need of talaaq arises then what is the correct and true procedure and process. Many Muslims have now been accustomed to giving threats of talaaq for petty, unimportant and insignificant issues and matters; little annoyance and minor disputes are leading to talaaq. And when the issue of talaaq does arise, it is assumed that three are to be said and this abuse and misuse of talaaq has caused devastation, destruction and ruining of numerous happy families. And instead of approaching the Daar ul Qaza courts, the disputing families go to the courts and police stations for resolving their disputes and issues which results in financial losses and emotional distress. And the extent of ignorance and deeni illiteracy is such that in many villages and rural areas, the Muslims their even after saying three talaaq, still live as husband and wife; the condition of the villages and rural areas in indeed deplorable and terrible. And because of unawareness, ignorance and illiteracy of knowledge of deen and Shariah, many have adopted to the unlawful and illegitimate marriage between an uncle and his niece (). Many Muslims involve in attending and participating in the rituals and festivities of the non-Muslims and this has reached such an extent that they even participate in the solely idolatrous worshipping festivals and also go to temples and worship too. In many villages and towns there are Masajids but are deserted and some villages and towns do not have them at all and in them the Muslims lead lives akin to the non-Muslims and there is no arrangement at all to have the Muslim children educated in the Holy Qur’an and deeniyat. And because of this aversion from and deeni knowledge and ‘ilm, the students attending the schools and colleges are now becoming the victim of irtedaad and apostasy. The condition of Muslim children attending these expensive missionary schools is much worse. The rich families are content and happy by paying huge amounts of money for admissions and then surrendering their children to the Christians and think that their children will have the better future when the fact actually is that these Christian teachers actually instill hatred and renounce for Islam.
This is the state of most of the posh and wealthy Muslims families who have their children studying in these schools.By the time these children studying in the Christian schools reach tenth standard or matriculation and are supposed to be ready for their further studies, their minds are completely transformed to the Christian standards, values, ethics and goals and will be just namesake Muslims. And also another thing gets instilled in them that they lose trust and confidence from Islam and the Shariah and feel that the laws of Islam are out of date and feel that Islam is so outdated and old fashioned that in today’s modern, technological and fast age, Islam is incapable and incompetent in tackling and resolving the demands, needs and requirements. Salman Rushdie and Tasleema Nasreen are the cherished results we witness today of these environments and education.
8-14-144/6/3, Rizwan Colony, Mailardevpally, Shastripuram,
Near Mir Alam Tank, Hyderabad, Telengana, India.
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